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The Reset

A Tower of Stones

Have you been struggling, trying to make a change only to fall short and return to the good ole routine again and again?


The Reset Program may be just what you need to get out of auto-pilot, implement change and maintain that change.

This Program includes:

(total of 10 weeks)

  • One Intake Conversation where we discuss your topic, why it matters, the circumstances surrounding it and I learn more about you. This conversation lasts between 1 and 1.5hours.

  • One Offer Conversation where I propose the components of your coaching program. This is where we work together to tailor your program and its objectives to your needs. You will also receive your first exercise during this call, which will last roughly 1 hour.

  • Three Cycles of Development Conversations, each roughly one hour in length where we discuss practical experience, anchor learning and develop the next steps.

  • One Closing Conversation, of roughly one hour where we discuss progress and plan for going forward beyond the coaching program.

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